Thursday, February 14, 2008

Culinary Explorations

This morning in celebration of Valentine's Day I had a very pink (and delicious) breakfast. Yesterday I cooked grits in a double boiler mixed with raw milk on the woodstove for 5 hours. They turned out creamy and sweet. So this morning I reheated some of the grits (some southerners say this is a sin, but I have had success with reheating grits) with chopped STRAWBERRIES and goat cheese. Wow. That was yummy. Reid tasted them and pronounced good flavor but he couldn't get past the grit texture - grits should always be savory you know. Reid grew up deep in grit-country. Maybe I should have told him it was tapioca?
Last night I got together with some friends to discuss the book "Blood Done Sign my Name" and we all brought southern style food to share. They took on the local challenge for me. We had some wonderful butternut soup, local apple crisp (the very thoughtful cook baked some without the crispy top which was made from non-local ingredients), and salad with local salad greens. My contribution was cornbread toasts topped with jalepeno goat cheese.
Tonight for Valentine's Day I will make cornmeal crepes stuffed with sauted kale, rosemary venison sausage and goat cheese, with roasted yukon gold potatoes on the side.

1 comment:

David E. Felton said...

Happy St. Valentine's Day Cathy,
Man that milk sounds awesome, but then, so does everything you're making. I think you came up with the best thing ever to try and give up for Lent. Do you and Reid have a digital camera? I know the two of you could do some awesome, simple pictures of the awesome food you're preparing. People love some pictures with their blog, per Michael Ruhlman at his blog, but his wife is a pro. photographer, but you and Reid could be right there.
Cheers, Felton