Thursday, February 28, 2008

Not so Trashy

I noticed something today. I noticed that I haven't taken out our kitchen trash in almost 2 weeks. Luckily our house is pretty cold and it hadn't started to smell yet. Unless we are out of town we empty that trash can at least once a week. On Monday when the trash went to the street I started to grab the bag and realized that it was only about half full. I thought it was kinda weird, but I was in a hurry to get to work, so I just passed it over with out a second thought. Today it finally got to the top of the can. As I was taking it out I looked in the recycling bin - and it was completely empty! This is UNHEARD of in our household. I have to admit Reid and I have been feeling a little under the weather - there would normally be at least one wine bottle in the recycling. Still, it made me pause.
I can only attribute this phenomenon to the local food thing. Produce is bought in bulk or comes from the garden. There are no milk or soy milk containers to recycle or throw away - I return my glass milk jars every week. Yogurt I make in glass jars that I wash out and re-use. There is no packaging of leftovers from restaurants - it's hard to find one that has all local food. There are no olive oil canisters to recycle ( I do find this fact a bit sad). Not much trash. An unexpected benefit.

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